Johns Marketing Madness

March 12, 2010

Understanding The Basics

Filed under: Basic Marketing — johnsmarketingmadness101 @ 1:54 pm

When it comes to understanding the basics of online marketing it seems that most of the so called Guru’s out there don’t have a clue.  I’m not here to bash anyone – seriously, but I think we all know our fair-share of marketers who could have done a little more to help us out when we needed it, answered our support desk tickets or just told us when the material they were promoting sucked!

Loads of us know people like that and its frustrating to say the least, no one talks about it though because in our friendly little marketing forums there are still die-hard fans just waiting to rip you to shreds if you dared to mention their ‘mentors’ name in a negative light.

As freedom of speech on the net is also under fire, most of us mere-mortals wouldn’t dare to say what we thought in case we got a legal case dropped on us.  So how can we find out which marketers are worth following?

My suggestion is to look for the ones who just skim the line between expert and guru.  These are the ones that hardly ever get spoken about if they don’t make their living off the back of forum marketing.   They are the ones that have products out there that you don’t see getting bashed all the time, they are the ones who are willing to go that extra mile to help you out.

Hopefully you’ll take a look over the next few weeks at some of my suggestions here and get a good idea of who you should getting the basics from.